SearchieTip – “Please use Searchie on a Desktop” – how do I fix this?

planetMitch Standard, Video

If you are seeing this message, please use Searchie on a desktop device, you may be wondering why. Maybe you’re seeing it on your laptop or your smartphone. Searchie the backend is not designed to be used on a smartphone. So they are trying to detect your resolution of your screen. Now, if you are using a Mac, then you …

Brief introduction to Searchie

planetMitch Uncategorized

So what exactly is Searchie? Imagine an exclusive search engine created just for your content. Why would you want it? Here are 4 great reasons: Increase consumption of your content Improve your video and audio processing workflow with automation that eliminates so many time consuming tasks Slash support tasks by 80% or more Your community gets the answers they need …

Searchie Review

planetMitch Video

This is my (long) review of *** note… the text below is the actual transcription of the video above as created by Searchie! The only edits I did were to 3-4 words in the first 2 paragraphs… it had “Planet mitch” for example… I changed that to planetMitch Transcription: Greetings, everyone. planetMitch founder and chief astronomer over at …

Significant updates added today…

planetMitch Standard

Here is a summary: Added file-level tagging. Organize files using custom tags. Tags can be used for searching inside the app and what is visible in a widget.    🎉 File uploading is now resumable. If a session is exited or canceled when a file is re-uploaded it will resume at the previous state. 😲 Uploading now supports multiple formats beyond just MP4 and …

White Glove service added.

planetMitch Standard

Good folks at Searchie have announced they’re adding “White Glove” service To be eligible… Here’s what you’ll find on that page.

Quick answer – how to get started uploading

planetMitch Video

A question from the searchie FB group was how to get started. This isn’t the most complete video, but maybe it will kick you into gear.

Hello Searchers!

planetMitch Standard is cool isn’t it? You probably have heard of it otherwise you wouldn’t be here. It was created earlier this year by Stu Mclaren (from Tribe) and frankly it is awesome. Google search for your own videos with transcription and cool player bonuses. This is the launch of SearchiePRO – your one stop shop for all things Searchie. Note, …