So what exactly is Searchie? Imagine an exclusive search engine created just for your content. Why would you want it? Here are 4 great reasons: Increase consumption of your content Improve your video and audio processing workflow with automation that eliminates so many time consuming tasks Slash support tasks by 80% or more Your community gets the answers they need …
Searchie Review
This is my (long) review of *** note… the text below is the actual transcription of the video above as created by Searchie! The only edits I did were to 3-4 words in the first 2 paragraphs… it had “Planet mitch” for example… I changed that to planetMitch Transcription: Greetings, everyone. planetMitch founder and chief astronomer over at …
Significant updates added today…
Here is a summary: Added file-level tagging. Organize files using custom tags. Tags can be used for searching inside the app and what is visible in a widget. 🎉 File uploading is now resumable. If a session is exited or canceled when a file is re-uploaded it will resume at the previous state. 😲 Uploading now supports multiple formats beyond just MP4 and …